Member Portal
Welcome to the Member Portal for McGuffey Resident and Associate Members. Here, members will find access to online forms, emails, and links to other useful documents. With these readily available resources, you will be able to stay better connected to McGuffey Art Center and also fulfill your membership requirements with ease.
If there are other documents or forms you think should be on this page, please contact MAC@mcguffeyartcenter.com with your suggestions.
If you have any questions or technical issues, please contact publicity@mcguffeyartcenter.com.
This month at McGuffey:
Scroll down to view the Starnes Classroom Calendar
Membership Documents
All Members
McGuffey Handbook
Application for Building or Grounds use by Members
Proposal to Council
Resident Members
Resident Member Monthly Report Form
Resident Member Responsibilities
Committee Handbook
Sublease Request
Executive Council: Responsibilities and Job Descriptions
Members Only
Includes, Group Shows, Summer Clean up, Renter Assessment, Renewing Associate Membership, Teacher & Classroom fees
If you would like to pay rent via credit card online, send an email to Beth Wiseman at finance@mcguffeyartcenter.com.
Starnes Calendar
Committee Chairs
Classes/Education: Rebecca Wostrel rawostrel@gmail.com
Community Engagement: Dawn Hanson community@mcguffeyartcenter.com
Friends of McGuffey: Marcia Mitchell mkm10@comcast.net
Gallery: Lisa Maachi & Michael Powers gallery@mcguffeyartcenter.com
House: Vee Osvalds vosvalds1@comcast.net
Incubators: Susan Northington susannorthingtonart@gmail.com
Life Drawing: Kerney Rhoden mcguffeylifedrawing@gmail.com
Openings: Bill LeSueur mac@mcguffeyartcenter.com
Member Relations: Amanda Liscouski memberrelations@mcguffeyartcenter.com
Publicity: Robin Harris publicity@mcguffeyartcenter.com
Shop: Charlene Cross & Alan Levine charlenedesign@gmail.com
Tours: Gabby Kerson mcguffeytours@gmail.com
Associate Liaison: Jill Kerttula jillkerttula@gmail.com
Gallery Assistants:
Guthrie Brown
Andrea Echeverri-Gent
Zoe Krylova
Danielle Stevens
Operations Manager: Bill LeSueur
Beth Wiseman
McGuffey Council