2025 Mid-Atlantic Juried Show
Congratulations to the Mid-Atlantic Juried Show Artists
Fatma Algaz
John Allen
Lisa Allen
Peter Allen
Tronja Anglero
Holly Atkinson
Russ Bailey
Carol Barber
Ken Beerbohm
John Bell
Fenella Belle
Alexandra Bloch
Blake Bottoms
Carolyn Brandt
Pat Brodowski
Kate Brogdon
David Brown
Kathleen Buschow
Carolyn Capps
Chris Combs
Ellen Copeland
Yary Corbin
Elizabeth Gorn
M Alexander Gray
Krizianna Groves
Marcia Haffmans
Robin Harris
Jill Jensen
Bryan Jernigan
Brian Johnson
Wayne johnson
Saheli Khastagir
Alan Kindler
Andrea Kinnaman
Mike Kipp
Julia Koehler
Karin Kupke
Claire Lynch
Erin Mahoney
Leslie Mcdonald
Kimberly McKinnis
Judy McLeod
Barbara Mink
Evan Mooney
Ellen Moore-Osborne
Kweisi Morris
James Pannabecker
Adriana Patrucco
Wendy Pierce
Michael Powers
John Ralston
Lynda Ray
John Roth
Richard Rumble
Sharon Shapiro
Frank Shepard
Jessie Shinn
Jane Skafte
Jennifer Smith
Martha Springett
Annabelle Starr
Emma Todd
Erica Trabold
Alyson Weege
Diane Wilkin
McGuffey Art Center is not responsible for theft or damage of artwork from any cause whatsoever. Artists should insure their own work. McGuffey will not be responsible for insuring work in transit, on exhibit or works unclaimed after date.
Entries may be shipped or hand-delivered to:
McGuffey Art Center.
201 2nd St., NW
Charlottesville, VA 22902
phone: (434) 295-7973
Shipped entries must be sent in reusable containers (no packing peanuts) with return shipping form enclosed. Works selected for exhibition must either be delivered in person or shipped PREPAID between March 18 - 25. If shipping, please make certain that the shipper is aware that the art center can only accept delivery during open hours (Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-6pm; Sunday 1pm-5pm).
When shipping, include a $25 check made payable to McGuffey Art Center for unpacking and repacking fees. Hand deliveries do not require a handling fee
McGuffey art center reserves the right to reject, upon review, work with unacceptable craftsmanship and/or quality not discernible in the original submitted digital images.
Exhibited work may be picked up in person from April 27 - May 2; during McGuffey’s public open hours. McGuffey will not be responsible for work not claimed by date.
Shipped work will be returned in the method it was received, unless otherwise specified by the artist. All shipping costs and liability for damage are the responsibility of the artist. Return shipping labels must be included in packaging material.
All of the works are available for purchase unless designated “Not for Sale” at the time of entry. Artists receive 65% of the sale price of their art. McGuffey receives 35% of the sales price. For sold work, a check will be mailed to artists a few weeks after the show end date.
Jeffrey W. Allison is the Paul Mellon Collection Educator and Director, Statewide Programs and Exhibitions at the Virginia Museum of Fine arts (VMFA) and a professional photographer. He holds a BA in photography and film from Virginia Intermont College and an MFA in photography from VCU. 40 Years: 40 Faces, Through Different Eyes: The Faces of Poverty in Virginia, Unbroken Circle: Unto the Generations, Egypt Through the Drawing Room: 19th Century Stereographs of Egypt, and, Faces at the Races: Equine Culture in Virginia; as well as the Paul Mellon Arts in Education exhibitions, They Call it Stormy Weather: How Artists View the Weather and the Seasons, and A Horse of Course! Equine Images in Art at VMFA, which are traveling to locations throughout the Commonwealth. He currently teaches Advanced Photography and the History of Photography at the VMFA and has taught for over thirty years at institutions including Virginia Intermont College, Virginia Commonwealth University, East Tennessee State University, the Visual Arts Center of Richmond, and Virginia Highlands Community College.
Jeffrey developed the VMFA on the Road Artmobile which is currently traveling exhibitions throughout Virginia.
McGuffey Art Center is located in downtown Charlottesville, VA, in a historic elementary school building, and is one of the oldest artist-run cooperative art centers in the country. The theme-free competition is open for the following categories: painting, drawing, photography/printmaking, fiber, sculpture and mixed media. 2D Entries should not exceed 6 feet in any direction. No entry that requires the artist to be present for moving or assembly will be accepted.
Any artist residing in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Washington DC, or North Carolina may enter. All work must be original and completed within the last three years.
McGuffey Art Center’s Mid-Atlantic Juried Show runs from April 4 - April 27, 2025
Opening Reception Friday, April 4, 2025, 5:30 - 7:30pm
Best of Show, Second Place and Third Place Awards will be announced
Questions: email mac@mcguffeyartcenter.com
Deadline for Entries: January 15, 2025
Notification sent to artists:
February 15, 2025
Receiving accepted work:
March 18 -25, 2025
(includes shipping and physical drop off Center open hours: Tues-Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 1-5pm)
First Friday Opening Reception:
April 4, 2025
Show closes: April 27, 2025
Ship returns/In-person pick up:
April 27 - May 2, 2025
(Pick up hours: April 27 5-7pm, Tues-Sat 10am-6pm)
Joan Cox
Marcy Criner
Charlene Cross
Trish Crowe
Dave Curtis
Anna Deater-Deckard
Donald Depuydt
Nancy Dietz
Mark Drefs
Christy Dunkle
Julia Dzikiewicz
Linda Edlund
Aaron Eichorst
Karen Eide
Janis Elmore
Margaret Embree
Marlowe Emerson
Madison Fairburn
Sam FIsher
Eileen French
Giselle Gautreau
Joe Geheren