Support Us

McGuffey Art Center is one of the oldest member-run art centers in the country. MAC is over 100 small businesses operating under one umbrella, practicing our arts and sharing our creative spirit. More than forty of us rent studios in the historic McGuffey School, and many more of us contribute part-time to the association from Charlottesville, Central Virginia, and beyond. We show in McGuffey’s galleries and studios, host workshops, teach classes, give free tours, host summer art camps, and carry out the work of our association through elected offices, committees, and volunteer efforts.

While more than 96% of our budget is paid for by our members, we do ask donations and contributions from the community for particular projects and needs. Would you consider helping out? $10, $20, $50 really makes a difference in what we can offer to the community. And if you can give more, there’s scarcely an arts organization where your gifts go farther and do more! Here’s four areas where you can make an impact!